Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club

Field Crops - for Glider Pilots


GRASS Return to Home Page


Grass is farmed in several different ways on farms ranging from permanent pasture which is managed at a low level of inputs and is usually gazed by animals. These fields are often none too smooth and may have
wire fences or ridge and furrowed surface
Large amounts of grassland in the main soaring areas of England are grown to be harvested and fed to animals in the form of silage or hay. These fields are usually smoother but beware that in wet seasons wheel marks made by harvesting machinery could be deep enough to damage undercarriages. The wheel marks will tend to be worst near to the entry/exit point of the field.
If you can see any unusual marks in the surface land elsewhere.



Early August    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Grass crops can be found at all growth stages so use the history section the check out the different appearances at each growth stage.
Mid July    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Grass crops can be found at all growth stages so use the history section the check out the different appearances at each growth stage.
Late June    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Cut silage fields widely available now and are very short at present. Some grass fields are not yet cut and will appear lush dark green colour with no tramlines and will be very tall at up to 50cm.
The grass field is a small rectangular field in the lower left of the airborne image. It also has silage bales scattered around in the field which are not clear in this small image.
Mid June    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Cut silage fields widely available now and are very short at present Some grass fields are not yet cut and will appear lush dark green colour with no tramlines and will be very tall at up to 50cm.
The field in the aerial shot is part cut to illustrate the colour change between short and tall grass..
Late May    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Cut silage fields widely available now and are very short at present. Some grass fields are not yet cut and will appear lush dark green colour with no tramlines.
The field in the aerial shot is part cut to illustrate the colour change between short and tall grass.
Mid May    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Cut silage fields widely available now and are very short at present. Some grass fields are not yet cut and will appear lush dark green colour with no tramlines - BEWARE these fields will be too tall for landing.
Early May    
  1000-1500ft   Surface

Sorry no aerial photo

  Still short enough to land in  at around 20cm high. Crops for silage now becoming very lush and maybe slightly taller. Silage making should be underway by now in the Midlands.
Late April    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Still short enough to land in  at around 20cm high. Crops for silage now becoming very lush and maybe slightly taller
Mid April    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Still short enough to land in  at around 15cm high. Crops for silage now becoming very lush and maybe slightly taller
Early April    
  1000-1500ft   Surface
  Still short enough to land in  at around 10cm high. Beware obstructions in grazed fields.


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       Beans          Potatoes   Winter Wheat
       Grass         Spring Barley   
Oilseed Rape     Sugar Beet     
        Peas        Winter Barley "No Go" Fields