Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club

Field Crops - for Glider Pilots


PEAS Return to Home Page


Peas are sown in April into fine smooth seedbeds and initially appear as a fine light green colour in early May.

In mid June the crop flowers with a white petals and after flowering becomes very tangled in appearance.
This crop is unlikely to become too tall for landing before the middle of June and some dwarf crops may never get more than 25cm high.



Early August







Peas are changing colour as they ripen over the next 2 weeks and will eventually become light brown when they are ready for harvest. Peas are in the two fields to the left of the road .

Early July



Peas show as a pale green colour  with the ground almost always visible through the crop. However there are some crops such as the one in the ground image that are quite tall at around 35cm and will need extreme care if used for outlandings. With the large number of setaside fields available this year it would be better to avoid peas

Mid June



Peas show as a pale green colour  with the ground almost always visible through the crop. However there are some crops such as the one in the ground image that are quite tall at around 35cm and will need extreme care if used for outlandings. With the large number of setaside fields available this year it would be better to avoid peas.

Early June



The field just below the centre left of the aerial image is peas (i.e. the one with the zig zag hedge line and small bare patch at the right hand end). Crop emerged and around 5cm tall.


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       Beans          Potatoes   Winter Wheat
       Grass         Spring Barley   
Oilseed Rape     Sugar Beet     
        Peas        Winter Barley "No Go" Fields