Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club

Field Crops - for Glider Pilots


"NO GO" FIELDS Return to Home Page


For a variety of reasons some fields have hazards that can or will give you grief. Some of those reasons are listed and illustrated on this page.



Setaside after a late root crop harvest - e.g. Sugar Beet

Wheel Marks from the Air

On the Ground

Wire Fences
This one has the big give away of marked colour/texture change.

But can you see the wire?

Ridge and Furrow
As the two images (taken only 2 minutes apart) show how this can only be seen when the light is correct.  OUCH!


Links to other Field Crop Pages

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       Beans          Potatoes   Winter Wheat
       Grass         Spring Barley   
Oilseed Rape     Sugar Beet     
        Peas        Winter Barley "No Go" Fields